Monday, July 9, 2018

To start off the wonderful last week we traveled to Eldoret and had a correlation meeting with the District President, President Kogo. We had a good correlation how the branches in Kitale zone are moving forward and how the missionaries are focusing on the right things. Afterwords we went to his home and got joined by ALL the Eldoret missionaries!! Including Elder and Sister Reck, the new couple there, since the best couple Elder and Sister Pehrson went home. Wow his home was full of missionaries and it was such good food and an incredible privilege to have dinner at his home again! I never though i would get that again as a missionary, but he specifically had it that day so that we could join them. I love President Kogo!! After his home we went to this new mall in Eldoret called Rupas. I heard they have some nice deo there, so we went and they were wanting the equivalent of $10 for ONE stick of Old Spice!!! So i got some nice smelling AXE and i found a Snickers so i spoiled myself and got it! For my 4th of July i got to travel 10 hours on a bus to Nairobi....i talked to a lady sitting next to me i could tell does not live i Kenya. So i started talking to her and she is Kenyan but has been living in the us for the past 22 years! She was on her way back right then. She is a minister in another church (wont mention the name). But i was asking her things about what they believed and i got her....she was saying things and ALL i was doing was using scriptures from JUST the bible to ask her questions. She is a nice lady but is lost....i can see how people can be so lost and confused without the additional knowledge of the Restoration and the Book of Mormon. We had MLC and talked about many different things but one that stood out was about mediocrity. We need to rise above doubts, fears, and things that might set us back. "We must use time wisely and forever realize taht the time is always ripe to do right." -Nelson Mandela. "A change is brought about because ordinary people do extraordinary things" -Barak Obama. I believe it takes action, determination, faith and consistency to make a change. Lastly i got to go on exchanges with Elder Carlson. We came out on missions together and have become good friends! He is from St. George and is the senior assistant here for our mission. We had a great day working in there area. Good lessons, and we found some great great people who could build up the church! As we were leaving their chapel to go and find some people there was a guy in his 20s with a metal skateboard just outside the gate sitting down!! Elder Carlson and i both know how to skateboard as we skated at home. So we contacted him and he let us ride his board a little bit, do a few tricks, and then we contacted him! He has actually been to the church before so i think God set that up JUST PERFECTLY for us! Have a great week all! I will be enjoying my sleep in MY OWN BED this week! 😉 Love, Elder Merz

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